Monday, March 30, 2009

The Wedding Day

Rowan and Karine are now married. The big day has been and gone and we are beginning the recovery phase. It was very successful and everything went according to plan - even the autumn weather. We have photos posted at

If you were there on the day and took photos, you can upload them to that page to share them with us.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Not long to go now....

Hi there, it has been ages since we have written anything here, I think I have to take to blame for that as Ian asked me ages ago to do a new blog..... so here it is.

In February we were thrilled to have a visit from Richard & Jane Reynolds from UK. We have all known each other for over 30 years, Ian & Richard go back a lot longer.... so it was great to have them to ourselves for a week. We all clicked straight away as if it was only a week ago we saw each other. What fun we had catching up. They had just spent two weeks in our beautiful South Island and were amazed at how awesome New Zealand is. They loved church and felt at home in it, loved how rough Piha the black sand, and the wild seas, and didn't seem to mind the smell of Rotorua. And the Valentine's night dinner was wonderful. It was sad to see the go, but great having them here.

Brooklyn in Auckland
Last weekend we have Luke, Anna & Brooklyn here. Brooklyn changes every-time we see him, and the thing most noticeable now is the amount of words he has. He is always happy to try new words and sometimes tries to string quite a few of them together. He is 19 months old now. He has a name for us all now which is great and makes sure he uses it when he is needing something.

He is something of a technical whizz as he knows that Nanny, Poppa & Bryn live (most times) in their computer at home. He only has to ask mum or dad to talk to us, and there we are. Oh the wonders of Skype.

While he was here we took him to Bird Barn to see the pets. There were heaps of gorgeous puppies, kittens, fish and birds. He did enjoy it but was quite frightened when a parrot asked him a question. He shouted for him mum. When we went over to have a look the bird continued to chat and said "hello" "How are you". This became the highlight of the weekend. And even this week on Skype he was telling us about what the bird said to him, complete with mimicky voice.

The Wedding
Karine & Rowan
Not far to go now. I leave for Christchurch on Saturday to spend the last six days with Karine, to get all the last minute things done. The pedicures, manicures, fake tans, no not really, although some of them sound nice. It will be great to be there for the last few days. Ian and the rest of the family are flying down Thursday morning to join us.
The wedding will take place on Friday 27 March at 1pm in Christchurch. We are all so excited and can't wait for the day to come. We love Rowan and know he is the right person to look after our little girl for the rest of her life. It has been so good getting to know him, and we look forward to more of that.

Hens Night
Last Thursday we threw a Hen's night for Karine as she was up in Auckland working. It was a fun night with a few of her friends. One of the tasks the girls were given was to create a wedding gown for her There were three teams, the bodice team, the skirt team and the accessory team. Look at the creation they came up with, who know's maybe Karine will wear that one for the big day.

Anyway, watch this space as very soon there will be wedding photos up.

Love to you all
